About Us.

About The Project

We are Indigenes of the FCT who are fighting to have equal rights as other Nigerians.

We are committed to empowering communities to sustain livelihoods.

This project addresses the decades-old political, economics and cultural marginalization of the Original Inhabitants (OIs) of the area, which now constitutes the FCT. The relocation of the nation’s administrative center has taken a serous toll on the lives, livelihoods, economic opportunities and cultural repositories of the Inhabitant people of the FCT. Because of the denial of their basic rights, and the expropriation of their resources, most especially prime lands, with little or no commensurate compensation, the FCT Inhabitants have seen their fortunes take a turn for the worse.

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Our Mission & Vision.

Why OI Rights Matter

In what will go down in history as an enormous sacrifice for the unity and peaceful co-existence of Nigeria, the Original Inhabitants of Abuja, Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory (FCT), made concessions based on promises made to them. Despite the growth and development occurring all around them, the original inhabitants of the FCT continue to face a myriad of problems 46 years later.  Beyond the challenge of being rendered landless within their own ancestral homes, the Original Inhabitants of the FCT have insufficient legislative representation and ministerial representation.

Education, health, water, sanitation, agriculture, and the economy are all key development sectors that have been neglected. As you might expect, women’s empowerment, girl child protection, and gender equality are virtually non-existent. Furthermore, the rich cultural heritage of the OIs has suffered and is facing the threat of going into extinction. These are the issues that Abuja Original Inhabitants have had to contend with for more than four decades.

Stuck in a cycle of neglect brought on by successive governments’ failure to keep promises made decades ago to provide the essential goods and services needed to sustain their livelihoods.

This project focuses on promoting the rights of the FCT-Original Inhabitants and to push for institutions to respond to the longstanding demands of the people

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